The first Buy Nothing Day was organized in Canada in September 1992 as a day to examine the issue of consumerism. It is now celebrated in 35 countries. Pope Francis described consumerism as “a virus that attacks the faith at the roots”, because it makes us believe that life depends only on what we have, so we forget about God. In our choices as consumers, we can protect our health and the health of others. We can live out our vocation to live simply as Jesus did; and we can care for Creation. Let us pray to make sustainable choices.
During this Season of Creation, we invite you to join us in this Prayer for Our Earth by Pope Francis. En este Tiempo de la Creación, les invitamos a acompañarnos en rezar esta Oración por Nuestra Tierra que nos ofrece el Papa Francisco. During this Season of Creation, we invite you to reflect on ““The Gravitation” By Thomas Berry (November 9, 1914 – June 1, 2009) On this Labor Day, we pray for all those who work, who are looking for work, who are discerning.
Thank you to Fr. Phil Paxton, C.P. for writing our prayer. |