Celebrating Spaces of Hope
The Passionist Solidarity Network reflects the Passionist charism of remembering Jesus’s Passion by entering into solidarity with the crucified of today.
Solidarity is a bold and prophetic experience for all of us to seek. It draws us ever closer to the margins and into the places where people are hurting and oppressed. As we work together for social justice and Earth care, we are awakening the compassion of Christ.
The Passionist Solidarity Network promotes the ministries of social service, advocacy, and international solidarity for the North American Passionist provinces of St. Paul of the Cross (east) and Holy Cross (west). This includes Passionists - vowed members, associates, and partners - in Canada, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and the United States. We also provide education in Passionist Spirituality and furnish resources on issues of social and environmental suffering.
Our Objectives
Promote — We communicate and promote the existing social ministries of the Passionist Community in North America.
Advocate — We advocate on a variety of social issues that are of concern to our local and international community as well as to those with whom we minister.
Educate — We develop resources and programs to educate ourselves and the broader community on issues that concern our wounded world and ways to address them with compassion and hope.
For the next several years, we will also be focusing much of our attention on the following issues:
- Integral ecology (as laid out in Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Sí)
- Racial equity
- Socially responsible investing
- Immigration
Michael Nasello
Michael Nasello is the Director of the Passionist Solidarity Network. Before joining the PSN, he worked as Director of Education for a Catholic School Board in Ontario, Canada, and has been deeply involved for several decades in faith formation and education with parishes and schools, among educational leaders, and within his diocese in Peterborough, Ontario. Contact him at [email protected]
Michael Nasello
Michael Nasello is the Director of the Passionist Solidarity Network. Before joining the PSN, he worked as Director of Education for a Catholic School Board in Ontario, Canada, and has been deeply involved for several decades in faith formation and education with parishes and schools, among educational leaders, and within his diocese in Peterborough, Ontario. Contact him at [email protected]
Our "Look" and Recommitment:
The Passionist Solidarity Network
In April 2019, we proudly renamed our JPIC Office the Passionist Solidarity Network (PSN). We recommitted ourselves even more strongly to the work before us. Following important discussions with eastern and western Passionist provincials, we decided we wanted to show a new, more unified commitment to social justice with some rebranding reflects our renewed energy for this vital work of the Passionists.
You can see how our new logo directly places the PSN within the Passionist charism With the Crucified of Today. From doing this work together for Social Justice and Earth Care, we are Awakening the Compassion of Christ. Solidarity is a bold and prophetic experience for all of us to seek. It draws us ever closer to the margins and into the places where people are hurting and oppressed. Our work is "with" as well as "for."
The Passionist Solidarity Network
In April 2019, we proudly renamed our JPIC Office the Passionist Solidarity Network (PSN). We recommitted ourselves even more strongly to the work before us. Following important discussions with eastern and western Passionist provincials, we decided we wanted to show a new, more unified commitment to social justice with some rebranding reflects our renewed energy for this vital work of the Passionists.
You can see how our new logo directly places the PSN within the Passionist charism With the Crucified of Today. From doing this work together for Social Justice and Earth Care, we are Awakening the Compassion of Christ. Solidarity is a bold and prophetic experience for all of us to seek. It draws us ever closer to the margins and into the places where people are hurting and oppressed. Our work is "with" as well as "for."
Our Advisory Board